Sunday, December 12, 2010

Grants and Easements for Environmental Preservation

Besides preserving the ecosystems of government-owned lands, federal and state governments often offer grants, tax breaks and technical assistance (advice) to the owners of private lands in order to preserve those ecosystems.  Of course, this is only for people who own land is is ecologically valuable, especially wetlands and environments that support rare species of animals and plants.   One of these is the federal wetlands program, but many states offer programs, too;  Ohio, Texas, Oklahoma, Idaho, even northeast Indiana (among many others) offer programs to land owners in the form of grants and easements (payments to keep the land undeveloped and in its natural state).   The National Landowners Network has a site that gives a state-by-state and federal rundown of financial incentives for land owners who agree to make their environmentally valuable land kept in its natural state, with commentary on its impact and usefulness to the land owner.

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