Friday, January 8, 2010

Help for Veterans Beyond the VA (Emergency Financial Help)

People think of the federal Veteran's Administration when they think of benefits for war veterans, but many states provide help, too. These can vary from one-time emergency financial assistance, to housing, burial, and education benefits for veterans, and the children of dead and disabled veterans. has a page with links to each state veteran's affairs office and a short rundown of benefits available. Each page has a wonderment of aid you never thought available (hunting and fishing licenses in Ohio?), along with well-expected ones. And while they miss a few (like the Heroes homebuying program in Ohio for first-time homebuying veterans and others in certain service jobs), they generally get it right.

Another website, the National Resource Directory, has a listing of emergency relief organizations for veterans.

In Ohio and many other states, there is emergency assistance for veterans on a one-time basis. This is handled through the county veterans services offices. They should be your first point of contact locally if you are having financial difficulties.  If you live outside of Ohio, check this website to find the county officer near you.  If you live in Michigan, see the Dept. of Military and Veterans Affairs website for information on emergency help for Michigan veterans.

Also, the Modest Needs organization has a special grants opportunity for veterans in emergency need, called Homecoming Heroes.  Like its other programs, it puts your small grant need out for donors to give to.  See more at their website.

Also, the organization Coalition to Salute America's Heroes has a program to help Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom veterans with emergency financial needs.  

For members of the American Legion and Sons of the American Legion members, there is also an emergency fund to help with basic needs in the event of a natural disaster.

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