Thursday, June 23, 2011

Financial Help for Disabled Veterans Who Need Home Care

I’ve written about financial help for home health care for the aged or disabled kids.   Various programs exist specifically to aid disabled veterans.  There is funding to help disabled veterans purchase an accessible home, or modify a house that they already own.  There is also financial help for veterans and their surviving spouses who are disabled enough to need help with their daily living and self-care, too.  The Aid and Attendance and Homebound Pension are supplements to other pensions to help with the expenses of self-care or nursing home or assisted living, and a veteran must be qualified for another military pension to be eligible.

To qualify, a veteran must have served 90 days, at least one day during a period of war, and for veterans who have joined after September, 1980, must have 24 continuous months of service.  Discharge must be under other than dishonorable conditions.  Income limits for veterans applying for either of the pensions is $19,736, $23,396 if the veteran has a dependent, and $2020 for each additional dependent.  For surviving spouses, the limit is $12,681--$15,128 if there is a dependent child, and $2020 for each additional dependent child. 
Aid and Attendance and Homebound pensions are two separate programs, with different qualifications.  For the Homebound pension, a veteran must be 100% disabled with one condition, and confined to their home, or 100% disabled with one condition, and at least 60% disabled with another.  For the Aid and Attendance pension, the veteran requires requires the aid of another person in order to perform personal functions required in everyday living, or is bedridden, or the veteran is a patient in a nursing home due to mental or physical incapacity, or is blind, or so.

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