Monday, July 25, 2011

Rebate Money to Buy Mobility Equipment for New Cars

Awhile back, I wrote an entry on a program that helps disabled veterans buy adaptable vehicles.  However, many automobile manufacturers have programs of their own to make it easier to put mobility equipment into their cars and vans.  Most have a program that will give rebates of up to $1000 cash back for the cost of installing adaptive equipment.  These include Toyota, Ford, Lexus, Honda, Acura, Chrysler, General Motors, Mercedes Benz, Hyundai, Jaguar, Volvo, and Scion.  Volkswagen and Kia do not have a companywide program, but individual dealers might.  Ask a dealer if he or she does.   

Here’s two good websites on buying adaptive equipment.  One is from the National Mobility EquipmentDealers Association on where to find equipment dealers and other possible sources of funding, and one from Disaboom on how to choose equipment.

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