Saturday, November 26, 2011

Another Venue for Veteran Job Fairs--in Cyberspace

Job fairs, even in these times, are still a going concern, but they mean the usual hassles--dressing up, getting the resumes together, parking, etc.  Except in cyberspace. is a service that offers veterans a chance to attend virtual job fairs, submit information to employers, and interact with them online.  The next online employment fair is a regional one for the Midwest (Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin and Iowa) will be on December 13th.  At that time, veterans from those states will be able to interact live with employers, either one-on-one or in an online “booth” (with everyone in the booth able to interact).  A nationwide event will be held on February 23rd. 

However, veterans can submit information at any time for employers.   Once in, employers may contact you.  It's another venue to get your name and services out there.

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