If you've been following this blog for awhile, you know that the big federal agencies are not where you go to get most forms of assistance. The money gets sent from there to local and state agencies, and, with the exception of direct cash assistance from federal agencies, most of it becomes programs at the local level. But how to find the local agencies?
If you are looking for stuff on worker's training, here's a site worth following. It's the Department of Labor's ETA (Employment and Training Administration) news release site. It announces statistics, like the latest unemployment insurance claim reports, but it also spills the beans on where training money is going. For instance, you can find that Bastrop County, Texas, is getting about $350,000 to hire 69 temporary workers to do wildfire cleanup. In a story we did earlier, you can also discover which institutions got a grant earlier in the year for high-growth job fields, and what jobs they were training people for. If you find that a state agency got the money, you can check with the one-stop job centers to see if they know anything.
Here's another Department of Labor website--the recent grant awards given by the DOL Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. In it, you will discover which local agencies got grants to fund training programs for formerly incarcerated women and girls. You can use this information to approach them and see if you can benefit from this program, or any other they may have. Here's a list of agencies that got a grant to train and education former offenders. There is usually at least a few month gap between the grant and when it goes into effect, but you get an idea of who to contact--and at least who has an interest in helping people in your group, whether ex-offender, veteran, woman, etc.
If you are looking for stuff on worker's training, here's a site worth following. It's the Department of Labor's ETA (Employment and Training Administration) news release site. It announces statistics, like the latest unemployment insurance claim reports, but it also spills the beans on where training money is going. For instance, you can find that Bastrop County, Texas, is getting about $350,000 to hire 69 temporary workers to do wildfire cleanup. In a story we did earlier, you can also discover which institutions got a grant earlier in the year for high-growth job fields, and what jobs they were training people for. If you find that a state agency got the money, you can check with the one-stop job centers to see if they know anything.
Here's another Department of Labor website--the recent grant awards given by the DOL Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. In it, you will discover which local agencies got grants to fund training programs for formerly incarcerated women and girls. You can use this information to approach them and see if you can benefit from this program, or any other they may have. Here's a list of agencies that got a grant to train and education former offenders. There is usually at least a few month gap between the grant and when it goes into effect, but you get an idea of who to contact--and at least who has an interest in helping people in your group, whether ex-offender, veteran, woman, etc.
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