The Roman Catholic Diocese in Toledo, Ohio has given up the goods yet again, putting in a directory of where people in Toledo and northwest Ohio may get free meals for Thanksgiving. Note that some of these are the Sunday before, or a day or two ahead, or even a day or two after Thanksgiving. Since the cut in food stamps will mean a lean month for many people, these meals take on a lot of importance. Note that the Augsburg Lutheran Church on Sylvania will only serve delivery or pick-up meals; call by November 22nd. This list appeared in the Toledo Blade and might have a few other sites.
What if you live elsewhere? If you live in an area with a 211 information and referral service, you can call 211 and find out. The 211 websites nationwide have a subject heading called "holiday meals." They often have the places of free meals, but often not the times and days. For that, you might want to call 211 or a local church in your area.
What if you live elsewhere? If you live in an area with a 211 information and referral service, you can call 211 and find out. The 211 websites nationwide have a subject heading called "holiday meals." They often have the places of free meals, but often not the times and days. For that, you might want to call 211 or a local church in your area.
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