Monday, March 24, 2014

Financial Help for Special Needs Kids to Go to Summer Camp

A whole network of angels helps make this blog easier, and one of them is Tammy Eisenreich of both iTaalk and the Lucas County Board of Developmental Disability.  She just sent along a whole bunch of links with information about financial help for disabled kids to attend summer camp.  

First was a link from the Flying Horse Farms in Mt. Gilead, Ohio, a camp for children from 7-15 who can only attend camp with medical support, so that children with serious medical conditions can enjoy the camp experience.  This camp is FREE OF CHARGE.  They have camp experiences for individual kids and family camp times.  For more information on how to apply and their special camp periods (for instance, one for kids with hematology and oncology needs, another for kids with heart conditions, etc.) see the link.

Here's the rest of Ms. Eisenreich's list: Deadline is June 1st and must live in Toledo area. (Application open April 1st-April 30th) $100-$5000 with an ASD diagnosis  up to $500 for equipment or services $100 towards summer camp for children with Down Syndrome (Next award meeting is in July) $250-$2500 grants for many services $500 grants for quality of life of children with Down Syndrome must volunteer hours with their organization equivalent to amount granted. grants for children with Trisomy 18 many grants for children and adults with Multiple Sclerosis (Deadline to apply is April 14th) up to $1000 for therapies and equipment up to $1000 pay directly to family Board meets every month to review requests next deadline May 1st for anything speech related (therapy, camp, ABA, apps...) deadline is May 31st, must have insurance denial fund activities to further a child's dream helps with physical/mental/emotional needs not being met elsewhere
While some of these are Toledo-area specific, some are nationwide.  Hope this helps someone find funding for a child's camp experience.

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