Saturday, June 20, 2015

Free Refrigerators for Low Income Toledoans

If you are looking for energy cutting deals, the place to start is your local energy provider. They often do free or low cost energy audits, and may get you started with low cost energy saving bulbs or weatherproofing strips, for instance.
In Toledo, NeighborWorks, a local nonprofit providing help in housing and weatherization, is teaming up with First Energy to provide free Energy Star refrigerators to low income Toledo residents with energy sucking fridges. If you meet the income limits, they will test your refrigerator. If it uses three or more kilowatts over two hours, you can get a new refrigerator.
Those income levels are 200% of the poverty level--about $23,000 for a household of one,  $48,500 for a family of four. This is a limited offer. For more information, call NeighborWorks at 419 6912900.

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