Friday, February 6, 2009

The Thing's Not Even Signed, but...a Scam Already.

Watch out for a new "free money" scam that is spurred by the much awaited stimulus package in Washington. According to one news source, people are being mailed checks that are reputedly worth several thousand dollars. Oh, the catch is, you have to call an 800 number and give up some personal information. Ya think?

The Detroit Free Press reports that there is an ad on Facebook, in which it's claimed you just have to give up a few dollars for a grant kit, and get your own stimulus check. Unsurprisingly, law enforcement people say that this too is a ruse to get people to fork over personal information.

The truth is, while there may be some tax breaks out of the new stimulus plan, there won't be money falling out of the sky. If the information on "how to apply" is coming from a private source--not a .gov source like the IRS website--don't believe it, and DON'T FORK OVER PERSONAL INFORMATION. Or the money for a grant kit.

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