Friday, September 18, 2009

Save Money When You Borrow for Energy Improvements

The Ohio Department of Treasury has given Buckeyes another way to save money by making their homes more energy efficient. When you borrow money to buy Energy Star appliances, or make energy-saving home improvements like windows and weatherization, you can get a discount on your loan through the Eco-Link program.

Eco-Link is a plan where the homeowner borrows the money they need for the appliances or home improvement from a qualifying bank that takes deposits from the Treasury Department. Then, the homeowner applies for an Eco-Loan. The types of improvements that are eligible for the loan are listed here. Then, the state places a deposit in the bank, and the homeowner gets a discount on their loan of 3% on the loan.

An online brochure gives more details, or call 1-800-228-1102 for more information.

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