Thursday, December 2, 2010

Free Fresh Fruits and Vegetables for the Elderly and Young Children

Most people know about food stamps, a program to help low-income people buy food. There is also a program to help low-income seniors and families with small children and pregnant women buy fresh food from farmer’s markets and roadside stands. It’s the Senior Farmer’s Market Nutritional Program and the WIC (Women Infants and Children) Farmer's Market program.

Both are for people within 185% of the poverty level (in 2010, that’s about $20,000 for a household of one, or about $40,000 for a household of 4). These are the income guidelines. The senior program is for people 60 or older, and WIC is for pregnant or postpartum women (who have just given birth), and children up to five years old. They are available in 42 states, DC, some territories, and several Indian agencies.

People in these programs are given coupons that can be used to buy fresh, unprocessed fruits, vegetables, and herbs at certified roadside stands, farmer’s markets or agricultural programs. For a full list of markets, contact the agency in charge in your state.  For more information on this part of the WIC program and more food help for pregnant women and young children, call the toll-free number in your state.

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