Monday, March 21, 2011

Pre-Application for Interactive Equipment for Autism Spectrum Disorder Kids

The Itaalk Foundation is pleased to announce that it's taking pre-applications for awards of over $7500 worth of interactive electronic equipment--like ipads and iphones--for kids with a ASD (autism spectrum disorder) medical diagnosis.  Itaalk wants for ASD kids to have access to this equipment, and the educational and fun aps that go with them, so that young people with autism and related disorders can gain the power of communication.  See the Itaalk Foundation website and the application for more information.  Though the foundation is based in northwest Ohio, anyone in the U.S. is eligible.   Deadline is March 31st.

Bonus goodness: Itaalk Foundation also has a list of other sources of financial help for autistic kids, not only in northwest Ohio, but in the U.S.  Check it out.

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