Friday, November 9, 2012

Free Restaurant Meals and Discounts for Veterans on Veteran's Day Weekend

Legendary Chicago columnist Mike Royko had an interesting take on Veteran's Day--in his opinion, only veterans should get that day off.  I'm sure he'd be pleased that at my workplace, it has always been business as usual.  He would probably also be pleased that many places do honor veterans with complimentary products on the Veteran's Day holiday.        

Many already know about the free entrees offered to active military and veterans by Applebee's this Sunday.  Thanks to the website Military Wallet, that specializes in discounts available to military men and women and veterans and their financial issues, we have a rundown of Veteran's Day discounts, free meals, and other offers.  Remember that, per advice from the Military Wallet, that you should check the particular restaurant location--not all franchisees may be participating.  And be sure to bring proof of military status.  And accept the thanks of a grateful nation.

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