Saturday, June 30, 2012

Free Owners Manuals for Automobiles. And Online Auto Repair Information Through Your Library and Autozone

Edmunds, the company that connects you with information about many automobile things, like price, also provides a valuable link to free online owner's manuals via the manufacturers.  They don't provide the manuals, just a single place to find many of the links to manufacturers.  With some links, you can get the manuals scot-free.  With others, you may have to register, and input the VIN (vehicle identification number) of your car.  If you care to, you may be able to find other links simply by trying Google, as Edmunds instructs.  This results in hits like Chevrolet (1993-present), General Motors (1993-present),  and Ford.  If, on the other hand, you can't find a freebie, you can go to Bishko, the auto literature site, and see if you can buy one.  Usually, you only have to do this with really old vehicles.

Also, check out the free online videos courtesy Auto Zone on fixing various parts of your car.
And if you sign on as a member (give them your email, etc), you can gain access to free car repair information for models between 1950-2007.

How about more free online auto repair?  What many people don't know is that they may be able to get this through their public library.  Many public libraries subscribe to Chilton, Alldata, or Mitchell's auto repair online publications. The Toledo-Lucas County Public Library makes Chilton's available in-home for free to all their library patrons.  If you live in Ohio, you can get a library card and PIN number that allow you to access Chilton's in your home or office. Call 419-259-5209 for the details.  TLCPL also makes Mitchell's available to in-building visitors.  Other cities may have the same subscriptions, or may subscribe to Alldata, another car repair online service.  Call your local library, or check out their research databases.  Depending on where you live (and how much money you local library has for online subscriptions), you may already have access to 24/7 car repair information over the internet, already paid for via your tax dollars.


Harris said...


Harris said...
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