Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Financial Help for Injured Dancers, and Other Health Care Help for Artists

In looking for stuff for artists, I ran across an interesting benefit for dancers in the New York City area.  The Harkness Center for Dance Injuries, a part of New York University Langone Medical Center, provides consultation for dancers and dance companies that help prevent injuries.  However, they also provide some access to financial assistance to injured dancers who need treatment.  There is charity care for New York state residents who need treatment at NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases, Tisch Hospital and Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine.  But there is also a special fund for the treatment of uninsured, underinsured, and otherwise needy dancers who need medical care.

If you are a performing artist in medical need, or in need of medical insurance, check out this page by HITE (Health Information Tool for Empowerment) which lists several organizations who help medically needy performing artists. Also, check out this roundup of performing artist's health assistance.

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